Vered Feren

Haifan Chef

The Cooking and Catering Studio


Lives & breathes the local market and knows e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e


Studio located inside the “Shuk” (local market)

Born and raised in Haifa & loves it

There’s no other culinary scene like the one in Haifa.
The mix between the Sea and the Riverbed, the cultures, and ethnic groups created a unique world of tastes and people.
Inside this city there’s one market like no other:

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Welcome to
.Talpiot Market

What do you get a “foodie” (food fan) that has everything?
Gifting a culinary experience is one of the most creative and inspiring presents you can give. Just choose which activity and write to me.

!Contact Us for Details

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מעבירים אותך ל-WhatsApp


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The distance of the walking tour is about 150 meters?

The tour is fitting for breakfast or brunch. It is possible to have special customization for lunch and dinner, contact us

Vegan/Vegetarian/Kosher/Allergies… We can do it all, contact us ahead of time

The tour is not open air so it is fitting for all kinds of weather

It is possible for private
tours, according to the waiting
list In non-private tours, the dates are scheduled ahead of time and you’re welcome to join

:Studio Hours

Yihiel 18, Haifa (please
notify in advance)
Sun-Thurs: 09:00 – 22:00
Fri: 09:00 – 16:00
Sat: digesting

:available here

Sun-Thurs: 10:00 17:00
Fri: 10:00 13:00

:It’s all about sharing

Want to join my culinary Whatsapp group and get seasonal recipes and updates fresh from the Shuk and from events in the studio?

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